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India Trip – Day Seven

This was the first day that I actually took very few photos.  Why you might ask?  Well, quite simply, we went searching for rings.  Somehow, I had imagined that this would be the land of rings.  Well, at least goldsmiths!

It turns out that although you can get things made here, the off the shelf supply of rings is pretty thin.  We thought we might get a diamond for Sridevi and plain gold for me.  Much to my chagrin, diamonds were even more difficult to find than gold, topping out at, shall we say, quite small!  In the end, we decided, after visiting no less than five jewelry stores to forgo the diamond until Portland.

At home though, we finally got Nanna’s (Sridevi’s father’s) computer up working again (gateway includes Windows Vista on a DVD, but NOT the wireless drivers, etc…).

Trust me though, more to come…  Also, please.  Comment.  Ask questions.  Let me know what you like in the pictures, etc…

Posted in Family, India, Photos.

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