I didn’t even talk about Service oriented architectures by name though. Funny how you can talk about the applications that are made possible and not even mention the enabling technology at all. SOA is so enabling though. Move that business logic into a web service and then you can call it from anything, even a handheld.
The State of Oregon was there. They were interested in how to push emergency warnings and amber alerts out. Macromedia and Flash had their attention as a multiplatform capable environment. Two things came to mind immediately, the first was that Flash only works on devices that have a good Java runtime and the second was that SMTP is the PERFECT platform to distribute such messages.
You can send an SMTP (email) message to just about anything these days, from a cell phone to a desktop computer, email is there. With the limited budget, they can then focus on maintaining a list of subscribed email addresses and not worry about the technology.
Did I mention Innotech? I ran into a whole host of people! Laura Ivey (Step Technology, Nigel Ballard (Joe Java / Matrix Communications), Kent Lewis (Anvil Media), Lev Tepin (Level Online Strategy) and even Terri King (Saltmine). This was a great event to bring me back to the past.
Not to forget the future though, I’m still working on that Tablet PC killer notetaking application, although, I’m not sure it is limited to a tablet anymore. I think that centralized notes may be really powerfull. More to come!!!
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